
Jeff Nimoy’s Latest Paleo Pasta Creations

Paleo Pasta in My Pantry We all have staples in our pantries, and a big one in mine is paleo pasta made from hearts of palm. It’s changed my life....

Jeff Nimoy on Being Directed by Leonard Nimoy (Part I)

Jeff Nimoy’s SAG Card, Directed by Leonard Nimoy I once wrote an article after my cousin, Leonard Nimoy, passed away detailing our relationship. But now, I want to delve a bit...

My Paleo Pandemic Evolution

My First Paleo Blog I’m not sure anyone reading this was a reader of my old paleo blog on Tumblr, “Cooking Caveman with Jeff Nimoy”. It’s still there if anyone...

The First Days of Naruto

My First Brush with Naruto In late May 2005, I was writing the English adaptations and voice-directing the anime series, Zatch Bell, at Studiopolis. At the same time, Jamie Simone...

Memorable Fans I’ve Met at Anime Cons

Anime Cons and the Holidays The holiday season is upon us and for many voice actors, that means a lot of travel. Not just traveling home to their families, but...